


Napster — файлообменная пиринговая сеть, созданная Шоном Фэннингом, Шоном Паркером и Джорданом Риттером и действовавшая в период с июня 1999 года по июль 2001 годa, когда он посещал Северо-Восточный университет в Бостоне. Названием сервиса стал псевдоним Шона. Napster был первым широко используемым p2p (peer-to-peer) файлообменным сервисом и оказал сильное влияние на людей, использующих Интернет. Сервис позволял легко обмениваться музыкальными файлами с другими людьми, что привело к обвинениям в нарушении авторских прав со стороны музыкальной отрасли. Несмотря на то, что сервис был остановлен по решению суда, он привел к появлению децентрализованных peer-to-peer сетей, контролировать которые гораздо сложнее.
Logo Configuration.
The Napster corporate logo is made up of both a
graphic symbol and the Napster type. These two
elements should appear as shown here in all corporate
materials including the Napster application, Web site,
and collateral materials.
The graphic symbol, or Kittyhead as it is known, and
the Napster type may appear separately in special
situations such as on promotional items like hats and tshirts.
The corporate configuration is the preferred
usage however.
Logo Proportions. The Napster logo has been developed as a balanced whole and at no time may the shape, configuration, or proportions be altered. The correct proportions are shown here. Consistent use of the logo helps maintain the integrity of the brand and ensures greater brand recognition. 
Clear Space. To preserve the integrity of the logo and ensure maximum impact in environments where it appears with other elements, clear space must be maintained on all sides of the logo. The minimum clear space required is relative to the size of the logo. It is equal to the X-height of the Napster type as indicated. 
Minimum Size. When the logo is reduced there is a point at which it becomes ineffective. By establishing a minimum size for the logo it is ensured the logo is always prominent and readable. The Napster logo should never be reproduced smaller than 1.0 inches across.
Color Specifications.
The Napster logo utilizes three spot colors: blue, green
and gray. This full-color version is the preferred usage
for all printed materials or promotional items. Pantone
Matching System colors are specified here for those
purposes. When 4-color offset printing is used for
printed materials, the logo may be reproduced in the
4-color equivalents of the Pantone colors. RGB values
are provided for onscreen usage.
Monochromatic Logo.
When using the 3 Napster spot colors or their 4-color
equivalents is not an option on printed materials, a
monochromatic version of the logo may be used.
Napster Blue (PMS 2728) is the preferred option. Black
may be used in 1-color applications such as
newspaper advertisements.
Logo Application on Color Background.Color logo on a mid-tone background. Although the 3-color logo on a white background is the preferred usage, there will be instances when the logo must appear on a color background. In cases where the background is a mid-tone the type must reverse to white for maximum legibility. The space inside the Kittyhead must also appear white. There must be sufficient contrast between the Kittyhead graphic and the background color for this usage. For application of the logo on a dark or black background it is acceptable to place a thin white rule around the Kittyhead to differentiate it from the background. At the logo size shown here, a 1pt rule works best, smaller or larger versions of the logo may require different size rules. The type appears white as shown.
Background Control. To maintain the legibility of the logo and brand integrity there always must be sufficient contrast between the logo and the background it appears on. The Napster logo may be printed on a color, patterned, or photographic background if there is adequate contrast with the logo. Shown here are examples of acceptable and unacceptable usage of the logo on various backgrounds.