


Университет Глазго — второй по старшинству после Сент-Эндрюсского и крупнейший университет в Шотландии, основан в 1451 году, является четвертым по старшинству университетом в англоговорящем мире. Расположен в городе Глазго. Член Группы Рассел. В списке QS World University Rankings 2013 университет занял 9 место в Великобритании и 51 место в мире, войдя в 1% лучших вузов планеты[1]. Студентами Университета являются представители 130 различных стран. В Университете Глазго существуют 2 студенческих союза и более 100 различных клубов по интересам. На территории кампуса находятся кинотеатр, театр, 4 музея, современный спортивный зал с бассейном.
Swiss 721 BT.Our marque, typefaces, tone of voice and primary colours should be apparent in all our communications. The secondary/ tertiary colours and photography are part of a toolkit which should be used to complement the primary components where appropriate. This section outlines these elements and shows how they should be reproduced. Online, publishing within our T4 content management system means web variations are automatically in place. See page 50 for more detail. Much of the content of this document refers to offline communications.
Our marque. The University of Glasgow marque is the most important part of our visual identity. It has two main elements – the crest and the logotype (this simply means using the crest alongside the words University of Glasgow) – which must always be used together. We must always preserve the integrity of their relationship to ensure consistency across a wide range of media. When using the marque, it is important that we: • make sure it’s clearly visible and positioned top left in all applications to endorse all our communications • only ever reproduce our marque from approved artwork • never alter, distort or adjust the letterforms, typestyle or visual relationships, either digitally or photomechanically. There are four versions of our marque: • The full colour version is used primarily on stationery and Word documents. • The full colour white keyline version is used primarily in publications, leaflets, posters and display banners as part of our lockup (please see page 80). • The single colour version can be used where full colour reproduction is not possible. This should be PMS 2955 or, if that is not an option, black. There is a gold and silver foil version – please contact Corporate Communications if you are considering this. • The white version can appear against black, our two primary colours or any of the secondary college/school/research institute colours. It should not appear against tints.
Our primary lockups. We have two primary lockups, in line with our primary colour palette. We should always use one of these on core publications, such as: · Annual Review · University’s Strategic Plan · Graduation day brochure.