British Airways
British Airways
British Airways plc (произносится Бритиш Эйруэйз, LSE: BAY, NYSE: BAB) — крупнейшая авиакомпания и национальный авиаперевозчик Великобритании, одна из крупнейших в Европе. Основные пересадочные узлы — Хитроу и Гатвик. British Airways обладает лицензией типа А, то есть имеет право на перевозки пассажиров, грузов и почты на самолётах с 20 и более пассажирскими креслами[1]. British Airways — член авиационного альянса Oneworld. 8 апреля 2010 года British Airways объявила о слиянии с Iberia Airlines в International Airlines Group.
Фирменный знак и логотип |
Our heritage There can be few world-class companies that boast the heritage and traditions inherent in the British Airways brand. Indeed, the company that became British Airways operated the world’s first commercial airline. From the early days of aviation,through to more recent times, our reputation for professionalism and high standards of quality has been second to none. The British Airways name has remained constant since 1974 and has become a byword for the expression of quality travel in the UK, as well as a respected leader in air travel, worldwide. The Speedmarque is a further development of our earlier corporate identities, re-designed to be sleeker and more contemporary. |
The three ways we present our
The British Airways brand operates in
three different environments:
1. Corporate identity
2. Brand prefix
3. In-journey
Each of these presentations of the brand
are intrinsically linked by their graphic
components which are rearranged to
create an appropriate platform for each
The following pages explain when and
how to use each of these constructions
The three ways we present identity
Refreshed Corporate identity |