


Hyundai Motor Company - в переводе «Современность», — южнокорейская автомобилестроительная компания. Крупнейший автопроизводитель в стране и четвёртый в мире. Штаб-квартира — в Сеуле. Компания основана в 1967 году Чон Чжу-ёном. Входила в чеболь (группу компаний) Hyundai Motor Group, из которого была выделена в 2003 году. В 1960-х годах компания занималась выпуском нескольких легковых и одной грузовой модели американского концерна Ford. В 1972 году правительство Южной Кореи дало право производить автомобили четырём компаниям, одной из которых и стал Hyundai. В 1974 году началось производство малолитражной Hyundai Pony (англ.)русск., над внешним видом которой работали мастера из итальянского ателье Italdesign Giugiaro. К 1980 году концерн должен был производить до 50000 автомобилей в год с локализацией производства компонентов до 91 %, что и было выполнено. Первое поколение популярного и в наши дни седана Sonata появилось осенью 1988 года, в 1996 в производство пошла спортивная модель Coupe. Hyundai Getz В 1998 году Hyundai поглотила корейскую автомобилестроительную компанию Kia Motors. В 2000 году компания заключила стратегический альянс с DaimlerChrysler, существовавший несколько лет. По данным на 2006 год состоящий из пяти предприятий завод Hyundai в корейском городе Ульсан считался крупнейшим автомобилестроительным заводом в мире. Слово 현대(現代) в переводе с корейского означает «современность». Правильная русская транслитерация этого слова — хёндэ́. На официальном сайте компании используется написание «Хендэ». Поскольку в России марка записывается латиницей, часто встречаются ошибочные прочтения латинской транслитерации, такие, как «Хёндай», «Хюндай», «Хундай», "Хиундаи" и т. п. Подобные сложности прочтения латинской транслитерации встречаются и в других странах.
The corporate symbol is the most important visual
factor of Hyundai Motor Company’s identity. Clarity
and consistency of Hyundai Motor Company’s
symbol is essential to the successful implementation
of the Hyundai corporate identity system. Hyundai
Motor Company’s symbol is never to be altered from
the examples in this manual.
Only use the CD-ROM data included in this manual. When unable to use the provided data, precisely reconstruct the corporate symbol using the grid shown below.
The corporate symbol should be formed according
to the rules without any change in color or shape in
order to maintain its original image. Some examples
of unacceptable modifications and incorrect use are
illustrated in the eight misapplications below.
The corporate symbol should be formed according to the rules without any change in color or shape in
order to maintain its original image. Some examples of unacceptable modifications and incorrect use are illustrated in the eight misapplications below.

A. Do not alter the ratio of length and width of the symbol.
B. Do not alter the length of the symbol.
C. Do not alter the thickness of the symbol.
D. Do not reproduce in outline.
E. Do not reproduce with graphic effect, which may reduce the visibility of the symbol.
F. Do not use non-approved colors.
G. Do not outline the symbol on a dark background.
H. Do not use the symbol on complicated patterns or images, which may reduce the visibility of the symbol.

Along with the corporate symbol, the corporate logotype is also one of the most important visual factors of the Hyundai Motor Company identity, along with the corporate symbol. Clarity and consistency of Hyundai Motor Company’s logotype are essential to the successful implementation of the Hyundai corporate identity system. Hyundai Motor Company’s logotype is never to be altered from the examples in this manual. Only use the CD-ROM data included in this manual. When unable to use the provided data, precisely reconstruct the corporate symbol using the grid shown below. In the basic design systems, a combination of the symbol and the logotype is called a signature, which most effectively conveys the basic elements and qualities of the brand. The signature shall be formed with proper space and ratio adjustment between symbol and logotype, so that the signature can be utilized efficiently according to each application condition. Do not use any other images within the clear zones illustrated on the layout shown below.
Hyundai Motor Company’s color system plays an important part in symbolizing Hyundai Motor
Company and is used throughout various print materials. Therefore it is crucial that it is used
according to the rules.
Of the colors that symbolize Hyundai Motor Company, the standard color is HMC Blue, with the
optional HMC Silver, HMC Gold, HMC Light Gray and HMC Dark Gray. The color system is made up of the
four color process (CMYK) print, as well as silver and gold. Always follow the rules in the PATONE® Color
Formula Guide, and adhere to the four color breakdown shown on this page.Hyundai Motor Company’s color system plays an important part in symbolizing Hyundai Motor Company and is used throughout various print
materials. Therefore it is crucial that it is used according to the rules.
Of the colors that symbolize Hyundai Motor Company, the standard color is HMC Blue, with the
optional HMC Silver, HMC Gold, HMC Light Gray and HMC Dark Gray. The color system is made up of the
four color process (CMYK) print, as well as silver and gold. Always follow the rules in the PATONE® Color
Formula Guide, and adhere to the four color breakdown shown on this page.
The Hyundai Motor Company typeface “Univers” compliments and well suits the corporate symbol and logotype. “Univers” is to be used consistently when inscribing various descriptors such as office name and distributor name to increase and strengthen Hyundai Motor Company’s unified image. 
* The Corporate Typeface has been altered from “Helvetica” & “Times roman” to “Univers”.
All business cards are to be produced according to guidelines provided below. Do not alter in any way the position, size and color guidelines when producing business cards. Only use the CD-ROM data included in this manual.

Typography Name : Univers Bold / 13 pt / Condensed 95% Division & Position : Univers Medium / 7 pt / Condensed 95% 
Company Name : Univers Bold / 9 pt / Condensed 95% Address : Univers Medium / 7pt / Condensed 95% Specifications - High grade Paper quality : Golden Matt 209g or similar paper 
Printing method : Offset with resin coating Specifications - Normal grade 
Paper quality : Golden Matt 209g or similar paper 
Printing method : Offset

It is essential to follow the guidelines provided below when producing letterheads and facsimile forms to enforce a consistent and coherent image of Hyundai Motor Company. Letterheads and facsimile forms are to be ordered by providing design copies to the printers, using the following examples as reference to color treatment and design.

Company name :
Univers Bold / 8.5pt / Condensed 95%
Address : Univers Medium / 7.5pt / Condensed 95%

Facsimile Form
Company name :
Univers Bold / 8.5pt / Condensed 95%
Address : Univers Medium / 7.5pt / Condensed 95%
The identification system of HMC dealer shop is designed to fit various architectural structure of dealer shop buildings and harmonize with the surrounding environment. This illustration is a typical example of a HMC dealer shop showing how each element is used. This typical dealer shop is designed to give strong confidence and a sense of familiarity with HMC to the customers. Please refer the pages hereafter for detailed information on each element.
Perspective View-2
As the fascia is the most important part of the sign design system, it is to be made in accordance with the following standards. The fascia of Hyundai Motor Company has been developed in 2 forms. The standard fascia has a ratio of 1:9 and greater, and the fascia variation has a ratio of 1:8 and smaller. As the respective conditions of the dealer shops are different, it is vital that the construction and positioning of the fascia is carried out in accordance with the guidelines and instructions contained herein. The fascia ratio applied must be selected from the following examples and must be complimented by the surrounding environment.
The fascia ratio should be selected with consideration to the surrounding environment. The spacing and positioning of the logo and descriptors must be in accordance with the following rules.

Dealer name : Univers Bold / Condensed 90%

Surface treatment : Apply cut sheets
3M 3630-121(PMS 877C)
3M 3630-157(PMS 288C)
Illuminated sign : Fluorescent light
Note : Please use 3M film 3M 3630-121(PMS 877C) /
3M 3630-157(PMS 288C) for illuminated signs.
The ratio of length and width greater than 1:20
Here are the examples of fascia module of which the ratio of length and width is greater than 1:20. The fascia design should be selected with consideration to the building structure.
Projecting signs communicate to pedestrians and drivers the location of Hyundai Motor Company dealer shops, and therefore they must project a consistent and coherent image. Only use the ratios illustrated below.
The projecting sign ratio should be selected with consideration to the surrounding environment. The spacing and positioning of the logo and descriptors must be in accordance with the following rules.