Chrysler Group LLC (произносится Крайслер) — американская автомобилестроительная компания.
С начала 2014 года находится под 100 %-ным контролем итальянского автомобилестроительного концерна Fiat.
Генеральный директор — Серджо Маркьонне (одновременно является главным управляющим Fiat). В январе 2014 года, после консолидации 100 % акций американской Chrysler, совет директоров Fiat принял решение о создании новой единой автомобилестроительной компании Fiat Chrysler Automobiles со штаб-квартирой в Нидерландах.
Выпускает легковые автомобили марок Chrysler, SRT, RAM, Dodge и Jeep, а ранее Plymouth, DeSoto, Imperial и Eagle, разнообразные комплектующие. Имеются финансовое и технологическое отделения корпорации. Выпускается электронная и авиакосмическая продукция. Штаб-квартира находится в Оберн-Хиллс (штат Мичиган).
Area of Isolation A cardinal rule for the display of the Chrysler brand mark is the area of isolation. No extraneous elements such as text, photographs, graphic images, or the outside edge of the brand mark’s display surface may encroach within the area of isolation. The area of isolation preserves the legibility and visual impact of the brand mark. The area of isolation or free space for the Chrysler brand mark is equal to two times the height of the “C” in the “Chrysler” brand logotype, (2C), as illustrated. Rules of Use The Chrysler brand mark is not to be combined with another graphic element, e.g., text, illustration or logotype. The Chrysler logotype may not be used in headlines or text. Recognition of the Chrysler brand’s company origin may be accomplished through use of a statement or tag line such as “A Brand of Chrysler Group LLC.” This statement is positioned in a manner which does not interfere with the central brand message. |
The Chrysler Brand Mark is Not to be Displayed: • Altered with a drop shadow • As a repeated pattern or decorative device • As a screen or tint • Combined with a model nameplate • Combined with elements other than an approved marketing theme line • In poor contrast with the background • Obscured by an overprint • On a background which has texture, pattern or gradation • Outlined • Reversed incorrectly • Rotated or vertical • With altered colors • With modified proportions or positions of the brand logotype or brand badge • With other elements within its area of isolation • In close proximity with the Chrysler Group LLC brand mark • Within a confined shape border or space. Trademark Ownership Statement Recognition of the Chrysler brand’s company origin is accomplished through the use of the mandatory trademark ownership statement (in legible text), on every communication. Use of the trademark ownership statement with the Chrysler brand mark: • The trademark ownership statement must appear in legible text on every communication. • In broadcast applications, the trademark ownership statement is “Chrysler is a registered trademark of Chrysler Group LLC.” In television, this statement is centered at the bottom of the broadcast end frame. • Within the U.S., the trademark ownership statement for print applications must be worded exactly as follows: “Chrysler is a registered trademark of Chrysler Group LLC.” • For Canada, the statement is in English and French. “Chrysler is a registered trademark of Chrysler Group LLC or Chrysler Canada Inc., used under license. Chrysler est une marque déposée de Chrysler Group LLC ou Chrysler Canada Inc., utilisée sous le permis.” • For all other countries, the trademark ownership statement must be worded exactly as follows: “Chrysler is a registered trademark of Chrysler Group LLC.” This statement must be positioned in a manner which does not interfere with the central brand message. |
Use of the Chrysler Brand Name The Chrysler brand mark or logotype may not be used in headlines or text. When the word “Chrysler” appears in headlines or text it should be typed out in the font being used rather than inserted as a logotype. Always capitalize the first letter. The Chrysler name may be used as an adjective (e.g., Chrysler vehicle, Chrysler PT Cruiser, Chrysler models.) DO NOT: • Use Chrysler as a stand-alone noun (as in “Drive a Chrysler today.”) • Use as a plural noun (Chryslers) • Use as a possessive (Chrysler’s brand mark). Use with Product Logos or Names The Chrysler name may be displayed with one of its product logos, badges or nameplates if the word Chrysler is typeset in a complimentary typeface. The Chrysler brand mark, wing badge or brand logotype may not be combined with a product logo or vehicle name. |
Use with Other Logos Use of the Chrysler brand mark, brand logotype or wing badge as part of another logo is not permitted. The Chrysler brand mark may appear with another logo if adequate distance or free space is maintained. (This space is defined on page 4.) The Chrysler brand mark may not be combined with or be a part of another logotype or mark. The “Chrysler” brand name may be added to another logo if it is typeset in a complimentary typeface or the typeface used in the logo design. |