
Google plus

Google plus

Google+ — проект социальной сети компании Google. Сервис предоставляет возможность общения через Интернет с помощью специальных компонентов: Круги, Темы, ВидеоВстречи, Мобильная версия. Компания Google при анонсировании сети заявила, что основополагающими принципами действия сервиса являются: пользователи, приватность и живое общение. Информация, которой делятся участники сети, влияет на персонализированные результаты поиска Google.
On your website.
Whenever possible, use the Google+ badge. The Google+ badge makes it easy for visitors to your site to find and follow you on Google+. Right from the badge, visitors can follow your Google+ page, +1 your site, share your site with their circles, see which of their friends have +1’d or followed your site, and click through to visit your Google+ page. Adding the badge provides one more important benefit: it proves your site is yours and lets us connect all the +1’s from your Google+ page with those from your Google search results.
  Creating a Google+ badge. It’s easy to create a badge that fits your website. > Create a badge - https://developers.google.com/+/plugins/badge/config The following are examples of the Google+ badge. From a simple icon to a wider and more richly annotated badge, it’s easy to create a badge that fits your website.
Examples of adding the Google+ badge on a website. Increase the chances of getting your site recommended by friends in Google search and grow your audience on Google+ when you add a Google+ badge to your website. Badges can be configured to fit the layout of your website.
Tips: • On your homepage, adding the badge “above the fold” may increase follows • Add the Google+ icon to your footer or header so visitors can always find your Google+ page.