


Hitachi Ltd. — японский конгломерат, один из крупнейших в мире. Основан в 1910 году в городе Хитати. В настоящее время главный офис компании находится в Токио. Сегодня Hitachi — это финансово-промышленная группа. В ее состав входит более 1100 компаний: Консолидированные дочерние компании (450 компаний в Японии, 484 — за рубежом); Неконсолидированные дочерние компании (79 компаний в Японии, 86 — за рубежом.)
Clear Area. 
An important part of maintaining a consistent presentation of the
Hitachi Wordmark is keeping a clear area around it from other text,
graphics or illustrations. Crowding the Hitachi Wordmark detracts
from its legibility and impact.
The preferred amount of clear area surrounding the Hitachi Wordmark is equal to one-half the height of the “H”
in Hitachi, as illustrated above. In extreme circumstances, the minimum allowable clear area of one-third the height
of the “H” may be used.
Ideally, the Hitachi Wordmark should stand alone. Use of frames or boxes is not encouraged. However, in instances
when a frame is necessary, it should be placed outside the minimum allowable clear area. The reverse Hitachi
Wordmark may also be used on a single colored background within the frame.
Primary Color Palette.
Color is a key identifier for the Hitachi Wordmark. The Hitachi
color palette consists of a primary color, 3 secondary colors and a
broad palette of ancillary colors. The primary color of Hitachi
Group Companies is Hitachi Red (PMS 185c). When reproducing
Hitachi Red, always match to the Pantone® coated equivalent. The
secondary colors are Hitachi Silver (PMS 8180), black and white.
The ancillary palette is not mandated, but is a guide to presenting
the Hitachi brand most effectively.
The purpose of the ancillary palette is to have a range of colors that support and complement the primary colors.
Use of bright colors as backgrounds detracts from the Hitachi Wordmark and is prohibited. Strong, rich colors
that balance and complement Hitachi Red should be used. A selection of approved colors is listed below. Also listed
are a selection of non-recommended colors. Though not a complete list, it is a representation of the bright
palette of colors that should be avoided in Hitachi Group Company communications.
Corporate Typefaces.
Typography and consistent use of typefaces is a key element in creating a cohesive look across all communications.
The only fonts that may be used for corporate communications are the Helvetica Family and the Sabon Family.
Helvetica, a sans serif font, has a precise, technical feel that matches the company’s technological base. It is ideal
for captions, headings, technical information and signage. The captions in these guidelines are set in Helvetica Bold.
Sabon is a warm, elegant serif font that reflects the human side of
the company. It is highly legible and should be used for longer texts,
such as reports, proposals and publications. The copy in these guidelines
is set in Sabon Regular.