


CAF (Charities Aid Foundation) – некоммерческая организация, чья цель — способствовать тому, чтобы общество все активнее и с большим эффектом участвовало в благотворительности на пользу людям и местным сообществам во всем мире. Мы начали работу в Великобритании в 1924 г. как часть правительственного Департамента по делам добровольческих организаций и стали независимой благотворительной организацией в 1974 г. Первый офис CAF за пределами Великобритании открылся в 1992 г. в США. CAF сегодня – это сеть представительств и партнерских организаций, работающих на всех пяти континентах.
Standard colour Logo. The CAF logo is the principal component of the identity. It is composed of three elements – a brandmark, strapline including triblock graphic and enclosing block graphic. These elements are arranged as a single unit and may not be used on their own except in special circumstances described elsewhere. Accurate, high-quality reproduction of the CAF logo is essential to the success of the identity and the protection of trademark rights. The CAF logo must always be reproduced from approved artwork provided in the ‘Download’ section of the CAF brand book online at w w w. c a f o n l i n e . o rg/brandbook Redrawing or altering the CAF logo in any way is not perm i t t e d . colour of standard CAF logo is ‘CAF Terracotta’. This is a unique colour – please refer to the ‘Colour’ section of the brand book width of standard CAF logo is 100% of the width of t h e page height of standard CAF logo is 11% of width of logo start of strapline is positioned 11% in from the left edge of the logo right of brandmark is positioned 11% in from the right edge of the logo logo is always positioned at the foot of the page (the CAF letterhead is the only exception to this rule) 3mm bleed of CAF Terracotta should always be added to the logo – left and right and below.
Sizes Logo.CAF small logo CAF minimum size logo 2 0 CAF small logo The CAF small logo should only be used where use of the CAF standard logo is not possible either due to space restrictions or the presence of another logo (for instance where there is a partner logo). The exclusion zone is defined by the height of the brandmark and must surround the entire logo. The minimum size for reproduction of the CAF small logo is a width of 40mm. CAF minimum size logo The CAF minimum size logo should only be used where use of the CAF standard logo or the CAF small logo is not possible. The exclusion zone is defined by the height of the brandmark. The CAF minimum size logo must only be reproduced at a width of 30mm. The small and minimum size logos should be aligned to the right of the page layout where v e r possible, and never centred to the page. Where spot (using ‘CAF Te rracotta’) or full colour (CMYK) re p roduction is not possible the black version of the logo must be used. No other colour variants are allowed. The CAF logo must always be reproduced from approved artwork provided in the ‘Download’ section of the CAF brand book online at w w w. c a f o n l i n e . o rg/brandbook. Redrawing or altering the CAF logo in any way is not perm i t t e d .
Palettes. The appropriate use of colour is a major
influence on how successfully we attract the
attention and engage the interest of our key
Since each audience expects different things of
us, we use colour to guide and support their
particular expectations.
Accordingly, we use colour in specific ways
relevant to the audience with which we are
intending to communicate.
The audience palettes comprise 'signature'
colours specific in application to each audience
group, supported by six 'accent' colours
common to all.
CAF corporate palette
This is used for communications targeted at
those interested in our governance and
corporate affairs.
Organisations palette
This is used for communications targeted at our
charity and business audience.
Individuals palette
This is used for communications targeted at
individuals – the audience we seek to emotionally
engage into action – by giving and doing.
Accent colours
An enhanced range of colours is created by
using any of the colours in the accent palette.

The CAF type family.Frutiger
Frutiger is the primary typeface for all CAF
printed material.
Frutiger 45 light must be used for document,
chapter and page titles, headings and
sub-headings, paragraph headings and
sub-headings, body text and footers.
Frutiger 46 light italic is used for paragraph
sub-headings, captions and quotations.
Frutiger 65 bold may only be used for
typography used as a graphic element
(see page 43).
Arial is the primary typeface for all on screen
media. It is also used within Microsoft Office
applications such as text in letters, faxes, etc.
W h e re black is the only colour in use, Arial bold
may be used for headings and italic for emphasis.
on screen and in emails the standard text
size is Arial 10 point
in Powerpoint presentations use Arial at the
sizes stipulated in the CAF Powerpoint