
Brandies university

Brandies university

Брандейский университет— частный американскийисследовательский университет. Он располагается в юго-западной части Уолтема, штатМассачусетс, в 14 км к западу от Бостона. В университете учатся 3 200 студентов и 2 100 аспирантов. В 2010 году рейтинг журнала U.S. News and World Report поставил университет на 34-е место среди университетов США. Журнал Форбс в 2010 году поместил университет на 57-е место среди университетов и колледжей США.

Университет был основан в 1948 году как общерелигиозное учреждение для совместного обучения мужчин и женщин на месте бывшего университета Middlesex University. Университет назван в честьЛуи Брандейса (1856—1941), знаменитого в США юриста еврейского происхождения.

Bauer Bodoni, Roman. Kerned optically. Letter spacing/ tracking set at the
values shown at right.
The tracking value should equal -40% of the point size of the logotype.
For example, the logotype size above is 60 points, and the tracking value is set at -24.
The tracking value should equal as closely as possible -8% of the point
size of the logotype. For example, the logotype size above is 60 points, and the
tracking value is set at -5.
Color. Whenever possible, but especially when it appears on covers, posters or in headlines, the name Brandeis University should be written as the logotype, usually without the seal. This does not apply when the university name appears in normal body text. Pantone 294 is the official color of Brandeis University. On most formal materials, the logotype should be printed in the official color.
The Brandeis Logotype.
Brandeis University should be written with initial capitals only, never all capitals, and the two words may be combined only as shown below.
 X equals the point size of the logotype. No other words, symbols or crowding design elements may come within X of the logotype. Anything that detracts from the logotype’s visibility must be avoided. The university logotype is usually written out in full.
The Official Brandeis Stationery. All academic departments and administrative offices must use the official Brandeis stationery according to the model shown to the right. Stationery should be ordered through the university Copy Center, extension 64530. The diameter of the seal equals 1 1/2 times the point-size of the logotype. Although this size ratio of seal to logotype is sometimes not appropriate, it can act as a guide. The distance between the seal and the logotype equals the diameter of the seal.
Typefaces are families of type. Within typeface families are styles such as bold, italic and condensed. Bauer Bodoni, Bodoni, Gotham and Adobe Garamond are the typefaces to be used for Brandeis publications. The Brandeis University logotype must always be written in Bauer Bodoni. Do not use Bauer Bodoni for body text, however, as it is difficult to read in small sizes.